No issues detected
/api/ais/v1/locations   (?) Find latest vessel locations by mmsi and optional timestamp interval in milliseconds from Unix epoch. Operational
/api/ais/v1/vessels   (?) Return latest vessel metadata for all known vessels. Operational
/api/aton/v1/faults   (?) Return all active faults in GeoJSON Operational
/api/bridge-lock/v1/disruptions   (?) Return all waterway traffic disruptions Operational
/api/info/v1/update-times   (?) Infos about apis data update times Operational
/api/nautical-warning/v1/warnings/active   (?) Return all active nautical warnings Operational
/api/nautical-warning/v1/warnings/archived   (?) Return all archived nautical warnings Operational
/api/port-call/v1/code-descriptions   (?) Return all code descriptions Operational
/api/port-call/v1/port-calls   (?) Find port calls Operational
/api/port-call/v1/ports   (?) Return all ports with port areas and berths. Operational
/api/port-call/v1/vessel-details   (?) Return list of vessels details. Operational
/api/sse/v1/measurements   (?) Return Sea State Estimation (SSE) data as GeoJSON. If from/to parameters are given, returs measurements from history, otherwise returns the latest measurements Operational
/api/winter-navigation/v1/dirways   (?) Return winter navigation dirways Operational
/api/winter-navigation/v1/ports   (?) Return winter navigation ports Operational
/api/winter-navigation/v1/vessels   (?) Return winter navigation vessels Operational
Marine MQTT Operational
Marine Swagger Operational
/api/v1/compositions   (?) Returns all compositions that are newer than {version} Operational
/api/v1/live-trains   (?) Returns active trains that are newer than {version} Operational
/api/v1/metadata/cause-category-codes   (?) Returns list of cause category codes Operational
/api/v1/metadata/detailed-cause-category-codes   (?) Returns list of detailed cause category codes Operational
/api/v1/metadata/operators   (?) Returns list of operators Operational
/api/v1/metadata/stations   (?) Returns list of stations Operational
/api/v1/metadata/stations.geojson   (?) Returns list of stations in geojson format Operational
/api/v1/metadata/third-cause-category-codes   (?) Returns list of third cause category codes Operational
/api/v1/metadata/time-table-periods   (?) Returns list of time table periods Operational
/api/v1/metadata/track-sections   (?) Returns list of track sections Operational
/api/v1/metadata/train-categories   (?) Returns a list of train categories Operational
/api/v1/metadata/train-running-message-rules   (?) Returns list of train running message rules Operational
/api/v1/metadata/train-types   (?) Returns a list of train types Operational
/api/v1/passenger-information/active   (?) Get currently active passenger information messages Operational
/api/v1/routesets   (?) Returns routesets that are newer than {version} Operational
/api/v1/trackwork-notifications.geojson   (?) Returns newest versions of trackwork notifications by state in GeoJSON format, limited to 500 results Operational
/api/v1/trackwork-notifications.json   (?) Returns newest versions of trackwork notifications by state in JSON format, limited to 500 results Operational
/api/v1/trackwork-notifications/status   (?) Returns ids and latest versions of all trackwork notifications, limited to 500 results Operational
/api/v1/trafficrestriction-notifications.geojson   (?) Returns newest versions of trafficrestriction notifications by state in GeoJSON format, limited to 500 results Operational
/api/v1/trafficrestriction-notifications.json   (?) Returns newest versions of trafficrestriction notifications by state in JSON format, limited to 500 results Operational
/api/v1/trafficrestriction-notifications/status   (?) Returns ids and latest versions of all trafficrestriction notifications, limited to 500 results Operational
/api/v1/train-locations.geojson/latest   (?) Returns latest wsg84 coordinates for trains in geojson format Operational
/api/v1/train-locations/latest   (?) Returns latest wsg84 coordinates for trains Operational
/api/v1/train-tracking/   (?) Returns train running messages newer than {version} Operational
/api/v1/trains   (?) Returns trains that are newer than {version} Operational
/api/v1/trains/   (?) Returns GTFS zip file Operational
/api/v1/trains/   (?) Returns GTFS zip file Operational
/api/v1/trains/gtfs-rt-locations   (?) Returns GTFS Realtime locations Operational
/api/v1/trains/gtfs-rt-updates   (?) Returns GTFS Realtime updates Operational
Rail GraphQL Operational
Rail MQTT Operational
Rail Swagger Operational
Rail infra-api Operational
Rail jeti-api Operational
/api/counting-site/v1/counters   (?) Return all counters for domain Operational
/api/counting-site/v1/directions   (?) Return all directions Operational
/api/counting-site/v1/domains   (?) Return all domains Operational
/api/counting-site/v1/user-types   (?) Return all user types Operational
/api/counting-site/v1/values   (?) Return counter values. If no year&month specified, current month will be used. Operational
/api/counting-site/v1/values.csv   (?) Return counter values in CSV. If no year&month specified, current month will be used Operational
/api/info/v1/update-times   (?) Infos about apis data update times Operational
/api/maintenance/v1/tracking/domains   (?) Road maintenance tracking domains Operational
/api/maintenance/v1/tracking/routes   (?) Road maintenance tracking routes Operational
/api/maintenance/v1/tracking/routes/latest   (?) Road maintenance tracking routes latest points Operational
/api/maintenance/v1/tracking/tasks   (?) Road maintenance tracking tasks Operational
/api/tms/v1/sensors   (?) The static information of available sensors of TMS stations (Traffic Measurement System / LAM) Operational
/api/tms/v1/stations   (?) The static information of TMS stations (Traffic Measurement System / LAM) Operational
/api/tms/v1/stations/data   (?) Current data of TMS stations (Traffic Measurement System / LAM) Operational
/api/tms/v1/stations/sensor-constants   (?) Current sensor constants and values of TMS stations (Traffic Measurement System / LAM) Operational
/api/traffic-message/v1/area-geometries   (?) Traffic messages geometries for regions Operational
/api/traffic-message/v1/locations   (?) The static information of locations Operational
/api/traffic-message/v1/locations/types   (?) The static information of location types and locationsubtypes Operational
/api/traffic-message/v1/locations/versions   (?) List available location versions Operational
/api/traffic-message/v1/messages   (?) Active traffic messages as simple JSON Operational
/api/traffic-message/v1/messages.datex2   (?) Active traffic messages as Datex2 Operational
/api/variable-sign/v1/signs   (?) Return the latest data of variable signs. If deviceId is given, latest data for that sign will be returned, otherwise return the latest data for each sign from the last 7 days. Operational
/api/variable-sign/v1/signs.datex2   (?) Return all variables signs as datex2 Operational
/api/variable-sign/v1/signs/code-descriptions   (?) Return all code descriptions. Operational
/api/weather/v1/forecast-sections   (?) The static information of weather forecast sections Operational
/api/weather/v1/forecast-sections-simple   (?) The static information of simple weather forecast sections Operational
/api/weather/v1/forecast-sections-simple/forecasts   (?) Current data of simple weather forecast sections Operational
/api/weather/v1/forecast-sections/forecasts   (?) Current data of detailed weather forecast sections Operational
/api/weather/v1/sensors   (?) The static information of available sensors of weather stations Operational
/api/weather/v1/stations   (?) The static information of weather stations Operational
/api/weather/v1/stations/data   (?) Current data of weather stations Operational
/api/weathercam/v1/publicities/changes   (?) Weathercam presets publicity changes after given time. Result is in ascending order by presetId and lastModified -fields. Operational
/api/weathercam/v1/stations   (?) The static information of weather camera stations Operational
/api/weathercam/v1/stations/data   (?) Current data of weathercams Operational
/api/weathercam/v1/stations/history   (?) Weathercams presets history for all cameras Operational
Road MQTT Operational
Road Swagger Operational
Road Weathercam Operational

Incident history

26.07.2024 21:12:11 UTC

Rail infra-api down

Resolved after 7m of downtime
26.07.2024 21:10:48 UTC

Rail jeti-api down

Resolved after 8m of downtime
26.07.2024 02:11:41 UTC

Rail infra-api down

Resolved after 1m of downtime
22.07.2024 04:08:33 UTC

Rail infra-api down

Resolved after 1m of downtime
19.07.2024 11:08:29 UTC

Rail infra-api down

Resolved after 2m of downtime
19.07.2024 08:25:00 UTC

Rail infra-api down

Resolved after 2m of downtime
18.07.2024 11:08:27 UTC

Rail infra-api down

Resolved after 1m of downtime
16.07.2024 10:59:18 UTC

Rail infra-api down

Resolved after 1m of downtime
14.07.2024 08:17:06 UTC

Rail data is up to date down

Resolved after 6m of downtime
14.07.2024 07:46:51 UTC

Rail data is up to date down

Resolved after 5m of downtime

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